
points points...

Post 'em up kiddies...

G and I have some recalculatin' to do!


Changes in italics. I'll post an updated series total sometime this coming week.


(1) You must race live in New England (Long Island counts).

(3) Only 'cross races count. And the races can be anywhere.


A races: 1/2 points
B races: 3/4 points
C races: full points

You race A race – and finish 30th out of 30…. You get 50 points
You race C race – and finish 30th out of 30…. You get 100 points

Women get full points for the B race, and 3/4 points for the A race.


Points - get your red hot points...

Post em that is - add em up...

That is unless the hard core softie and bloggin queen MegA and I were the only ones racking points this weekend...

Me? Points? Still waiting for Wade and his retarded official to sort out the mess it would seem... Bikereg is still blank for da southington race...

Post up the points!


Current Totals:

Kerry: 167
Matt: 36
CTodd: 161
Zoo: 313
Feltslave: 106
GeWilli: 81
Solobreak: 138
MegA: 203

these are the points from those who races on 10/1 (NY or Eco-X), Gloucester, and Verge #1 & #2

check em if ya find exception with them lemme know...

i'll work on getting myself a few more points on sunday...


New Gloucester (Verge #1 & 2) points.... Tentative

CTodd: a zillion for pure stupidity, but in reality: 69 (sat) and 38 (sun) --> 107
Zoo: 87 (sat), 84 (sun) -->173
KL: 48 (you produce an XRay of that cracked rib - proves its yours and was from yesterday - you get style points)
(no so) daily Matt: - what field you race, punk?
MegA: 47 (sat)

GeWilli or I will post a cumulative once the weekend's results are all in...


Getting retroactive points.

Place your points request in the comments if you raced in October (pre-Gloucester) and have a blog entry within 5 days about the race.


USGP weekend's series point results: FINAL

Kerry Litka: 119 (both days)
(not so) Daily Matt: 36 (both days)
CTodd: 54 (both days)
Zoo: 140 (both days)
Feltslave: 106 (both days)
GeWilli: 38 (Sunday only)
Solobreak: 138 (you are granted the style points - those socks rule!)
MegA: 5 bazillion. (In her own head) 88 for real though.

Game on, sukas!


Points and Rules of the 2006 New England Blogger Cross Series Points Competition (NEBXYZPDQ)... UPDATED! (yes... read it, dammit)


(1) You must race in New England (Long Island counts).
(2) You must be scored by race promoter and results must be published (bikereg/USCF/promoter web page) in order to receive credit.
(3) Only 'cross races count.
(4) You must race a minimum of 5 races to qualify for overall. You do not need to race 5 races to earn points, only for overall contention.
(5) You must write up the race in your blog for it to count. No blog = no points, even if you raced. Blogs must be posted within 5 days of event. A detailed account is required. Wording minimums can be excused if the description is graphic and accurate. In general, a 100 word entry will be required for the racer to participate in the series.
(6) Series will start with October 2006 cross races and will finish with Cyclocross National Championships in December of 2006.
(7) No blogs may be started for the express purpose of winning the series. Blog must have been in existence prior to cross season.


100 points for DFL regardless of field size. Subtract 1 point from there for each placing above that. Everyone gets at least one point per race.

Example: If there are 150 racers in a field, 50th through 1st get one point. Sizes of fields are based on reported finishers, not # of starters.

A races: ¼ points
B races: ½ points
C races: full points

You race A race – and finish 30th out of 30…. You get 25 points
You race C race – and finish 30th out of 30…. You get 100 points

Women get full points for the B race, and half points for the A race.

A masters fall under the A group if there is a B race… if no B race and it's an Open Master’s race…. It still falls under the A race.

Bonus points:

* 20 point bonus for getting lapped
* 50 points for a verifiable faceplant
* Tripping over a barrier and cutting your shin should be 75 points
* Raunching yourself by missing the seat on a remount is 100 points
* Failing to unclip and taking a barrier, 50 points
* Over the bars and cartwheel down the hill like Marro at Plymouth in '92, we just give you the series award

Note: Bonus points must be verified by another racer or spectator who is willing to say as much online (i.e. comments section) or explained in the results (down 1 lap for example). Photographic evidence adds 100 points, video adds 500 points.

Style points:

Style points will be granted at the discretion of the gestapo. You must produce video or photographic evidence of said style to earn points.

Photo - 50 points
Video - 100 points

Points calculation:

(100 - (Total number of riders in field - your result))*(Field Multiplier) + sum of bonus points = Net points

Field Multipliers:
  • A = 0.25
  • B men/A women= 0.5
  • C men/B women = 1
Example: Racer X places 51st in the B Men field out of 91 finishers and recieved 20 bonus points for being lapped. (100 - (91-51))*0.5 + 20 = 50

* Calculating it this way allows bonus points to be counted in full regardless of category.
* Points will be rounded up to the nearest whole number after calculation.

The Kerry Litka Rule:

1. Don't talk about the NEBXYZPDQ.
2. Don't talk about the NEBXYZPDQ.
3. Don't talk about the NEBXYZPDQ, DAMMIT!

Do not mention this competition anywhere online other than in a participator’s blog. The Blogger does not have to be aware that they are in the competition.

Categories and Winners:

Winner(s) will be determined after Cross Nationals. If it is a runaway the winner may be presented with the award at the event.

Series winning prize TBD by the series gestapo, I mean promoters, GW and CT. (It's gunna rule though). Other categories and prizes may be suggested to the series gestapo, I mean, organizers. We reserve the right to accept and/or ridicule and/or modify and/or reject any such suggestions.

Series Gestapo and Grand Poobahs:
GeWilli and CTodd

Batteries not included. No exchanges or refunds. Do not feed after midnight. These rules are intended for the use of those interested in this series and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational religious beliefs. If you are not the intended person, any dissemination, distribution or copying of these rules are not authorized by the series gestapo and constitutes an irritating social faux pas.

Unless the word absquatulation has been used in its correct context somewhere other than in this warning, it does not have any legal or no grammatical use and may be ignored. No animals were harmed in the creation of these rules, although the Keebler Elves are living on borrowed time, let me tell you. Those of you with an overwhelming fear of the unknown will be gratified to learn that there is no hidden message revealed by reading this warning backwards, so just stop the conspiracy theories please, they are annoying. This series has nothing to do with 9/11, The DaVinci Code, or former Senator Mark Foley.

If you have arrived at this site in error, please add some nutmeg and egg whites, whisk and place in a warm oven for 40 minutes. Let cool for 20 minutes. Slice and enjoy.